MEng (Master of Engineering)International Business and Engineering
Deutschland, TEAC
Studienort | Deutschland, Hamm |
Art | Master, Vollzeit |
Nominale Dauer | 4 Semester (120 ECTS) |
Studiensprache | Englisch |
Studienabschluss | MEng (Master of Engineering) (International Business and Engineering) |
Kurscode | IBE_bp_120_V_HM_0_e |
Studiengebühren | 5.450 € pro Semester Discounts available: |
Anmeldegebühr | 1.000 € einmalig |
Einstiegsqualifikation | Abgeschlossenes Grundstudium (Bachelor oder höher) Die Zulassungsunterlagen werden in folgenden Sprachen akzeptiert: Englisch / Deutsch. ⠀ Liebe/r Bewerber/in, bitte bringe unbedingt das Original deiner Zulassungsbescheinigung und weitere Nachweise mit, sobald du zur Universität gehst. |
Sprachanforderungen | Englisch TOEFL : 600 (pbT) / 80 (ibT) |
Weitere Informationen |
International Business and Engineering Master of Engineering
- CORE-principle – practical orientation – 4 Semester – fulltime – NRW-Semesterticket – in english -
In our Master’s programme International Business and Engineering – short MIBE – you learn to develop and apply solution-oriented approaches and to understand the connections between business and engineering.
What you will learn
The Energy of the Future – Exciting New Opportunities
Regenerative energy systems will play an important role in meeting our future energy needs. Related areas range from the construction of plants and systems to business consulting to sales. The topics of sustainability and energy efficiency are not limited merely to the energy sector, however. The use of green technology in other sectors offers new opportunities, but a holistic approach will be required. Get Ready for the Future (of Energy)!
Preliminary course business studies:
Module 1+2: Business Essentials I
Courses: Business Theory & Research, Business Law, Market Analysis, Business Startup, Marketing & Sales, Project I
Module 3+4: Business Essentials II
Courses: Accounting, Human Resources, Investment & Finance, Mathematics, Business Management, Project II, Language
Preliminary course technical essentials:
Module 1+2: Technical Essentials I
Mathematics for Engineers I+II, Material Sciences, Mechanics
Module 3+4: Technical Essentials II
Constructive Design, Electrical Engineering, Production Engineering, Material Sciences II, Language
Our academic year is divided into eight blocks of five weeks each. These blocks build on one another with regard to content. Studies begin with a 14-days introductory module. Targeted learning is offered from day one with a university-wide preparatory phase to acquire basic study skills.
Our innovative approach that pays off
Get Ready for the Future (of Energy)!
Following successful completion of our Master’s degree programme, graduates will be prepared to take on management responsibilities in a variety of different business and technical fields as well as in the field of technical and economic development.
The dual focus on two core areas of competency that are of growing importance and have a broad spectrum of various applications opens a wide range of potential career options. The resulting flexible professional profile is enhanced by good language skills and experience working in both national and international contexts. In an increasingly globalized professional world, our graduates will have the ability to evaluate sustainable technical projects in accordance with current business standards.
Successful completion of this Master’s degree programme also qualifies graduates to begin a doctoral programme.