BEng (Bachelor of Engineering)Business Engineering
Deutschland, TEAC
Studienort | Deutschland, Heidelberg |
Art | Bachelor, Vollzeit |
Nominale Dauer | 7 Semester (210 ECTS) |
Studiensprache | Englisch |
Studienabschluss | BEng (Bachelor of Engineering) (Bachelor of Engineering in Business Engineering) |
Kurscode | WING_0_210_V_HD_0_e |
Akkreditierung | 2019 |
Studiengebühren | 4.800 € pro Semester |
Anmeldegebühr | 1.000 € einmalig Die Anmeldegebühr ist nicht rückerstattbar. |
Einstiegsqualifikation | Gymnasium / Sekundarausbildung Die Zulassungsunterlagen werden in folgenden Sprachen akzeptiert: Englisch / Deutsch. ⠀ Liebe/r Bewerber/in, bitte bringe unbedingt das Original deiner Zulassungsbescheinigung und weitere Nachweise mit, sobald du zur Universität gehst. |
Sprachanforderungen | Englisch English language proficiency: IELTS 6.5 / TOEFL 80 / Duolingo Certificate 120 / PTE Academics 58 or a comparable test |
Weitere Informationen |
Engineers and economists don’t always speak the same language. We prepare you optimally for this essential interface function between business and technology.
Imagine you want to develop a product and sell it profitably. You will learn what you need to do this with us! You will learn to explain how scientific forces can attack a product (technical mechanics), why it may then fail (materials engineering), what manufacturing techniques are available to restore the product (production engineering), and what all this has to do with electrical engineering – this is how we lay the engineering foundations. Then we move on to economics:
The programme focuses on innovation management, patent research and the basics of business administration. You will also acquire skills in automation technology, technical drawing, programming, quality management and production.
You will apply all of this directly in practice in your Engineering Design Project: from the business plan for your virtual start-up to production planning. After your internship, the Business Development area is on the programme before you decide on a compulsory elective subject to deepen your knowledge.
You are both a specialist and a generalist and are in demand in projects and companies worldwide. As an interface between technology and business, you speak both languages and mediate between different ways of thinking. You combine technical-scientific and economic-social-scientific content with ease.
You can overcome barriers between technology and management. You plan, organise and design work and business processes of all kinds. This will enable you to gain a professional foothold wherever technical and commercial challenges meet.