BSc (Bachelor of Science)Virtual Reality & Game Development
Studienort | Deutschland, München |
Art | Bachelor, Vollzeit |
Nominale Dauer | 7 Semester (210 ECTS) |
Studiensprache | Englisch |
Studienabschluss | BSc (Bachelor of Science) (Bachelor of Science in Virtual Reality & Game Development) |
Studiengebühren | 4.725 € pro Semester Semester fee for Non-EU Students |
Anmeldegebühr | 1.000 € einmalig |
Einstiegsqualifikation | Gymnasium / Sekundarausbildung Die Zulassungsunterlagen werden in folgenden Sprachen akzeptiert: Englisch / Deutsch. ⠀ Lade bitte die digitalen Kopien während des Bewerbungsprozesses hoch |
Sprachanforderungen | Englisch |
Sonstige Voraussetzungen | Mindestens 2 Referenz/en soll/en angegeben werden. |
Virtual, augmented and mixed reality are gradually conquering our living rooms, games consoles and smartphones. But games like Pokémon Go and Beatsaber were just the beginning. Become a pioneer of this new media: find your future in virtual space!
1st semester
- Scientific Work
- Mixed Realities
- Project Work I
– Media Technology
- Fundamentals of Computer Science
2nd semester
- Project Work II
- Programming I
- Software Engineering and Databases
- Programming II
3rd semester
- Project Work III
- Mobile Application Development
- Game Engines and Scripting
- Company Foundation and Management 4th semester
- Internship
- Mixed Reality Application Development
4th semester
- Internship
- Mixed Reality Application Development Semester
5th semester
- Project Work IV
- Artificial Intelligence
- Edutainment and Learning Games
- Applied Research Semester
- Project Work IV – Artificial Intelligence – Edutainment and Educational Games – Applied Research
6th semester
- IT Law, Data Protection and Ethics
- Final Project
- Bachelor’s Thesis Seminar
- Bachelor’s Thesis