Student Visa Process

  1. Check with your local embassy whether you need a visa to study in and to enter Germany.
  2. Once you have submitted your study application and are accepted, we'll send you an acceptance letter that you need for your visa application.
  3. Book a visa appointment as early as possible. Some embassies and consulates have very long waiting times. As a degree-seeking student you need to apply for a long-term national (D) visa for study purposes.
  4. Be prepared for your visa appointment and interview, e.g. bring all the necessary documents and proof of financial means.
  5. Once you have entered Germany, you need to change your national visa to a residence permit within 90 or 180 days (check your passport).
More information about visa regulations and residence permits can be found here      .

Please also check the Student Welcome Guide we will send you for further information about accommodation, health insurance and other important topics.