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MAInternational Business & Leadership - Focus on Sustainability Management (90 ECTS)

Tuition fee €6,450 per semester
Registration fee €1,000 one-time
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In our Master’s programme Sustainability Management, you learn how to critically and systematically deal with the constantly changing issues surrounding sustainability.

You develop the ability to understand the connections between the economy, society and the environment in an entrepreneurial and professional context and you know how to come up with future-oriented strategies.

By dealing with financial mechanisms and other sustainability-relevant regulations during your studies, you understand their importance and learn to apply them in specific business situations.

Career opportunities

Here are some possible career prospects:

  • Officer for Sustainability and Environmental Management
  • Assistant to the Executive Board with a focus on sustainability
  • Sustainability manager
  • Sustainability and Public Relations Officer
  • Sustainability Consulting Analyst
Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment