School of Health, Education and Social Sciences
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BASoziale Arbeit (dual)
Bachelor, dual
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Social Sciences
BASoziale Arbeit
Bachelor, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Social Sciences
BASoziale Arbeit (dual)
Bachelor, dual
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Social Sciences
Bachelor, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Therapeutic Sciences
Bachelor, berufsbegleitend
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Education
Bachelor, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Therapeutic Sciences
BScPhysician Assistant (mit Berufsausbildung)
Bachelor, hybrid study model
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Health
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MAMusic Therapy
Master, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Therapeutic Sciences
MADance Movement Therapy
Master, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Therapeutic Sciences
MASoziale Arbeit - Psychosoziale Beratung und Gesundheitsförderung
Master, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Social Sciences
MAMedizin- und Gesundheitspädagogik
Master, berufsbegleitend
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Education
MScPhysician Assistant - Clinical Emergency Medicine
Master, hybrid study model
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Health
MScMedizinische Ernährungswissenschaft und Ernährungstherapie
Master, full-time studies with attendance in blocks
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Health
Master, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Therapeutic Sciences
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Zertifikatsstudium medizinisch-naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen
Certificate, berufsbegleitend
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Education
Certificate, berufsbegleitend
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Therapeutic Sciences
Education several campus
several campus
Zertifikatsstudium medizinisch-naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen
Certificate, berufsbegleitend
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Education
MAMedizin- und Gesundheitspädagogik
Master, berufsbegleitend
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Education
MABerufliche Bildung im Gesundheitswesen
Master, berufsbegleitend
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Education
MAMedizin- und Gesundheitspädagogik
Master, berufsbegleitend
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Education
MAMedizin- und Gesundheitspädagogik
Master, berufsbegleitend
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Education
M.A.Medical and Health Pedagogy
Master, berufsbegleitend
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Education
Therapeutic Sciences several campus
several campus
Certificate, berufsbegleitend
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Therapeutic Sciences
MAMusic Therapy
Master, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Therapeutic Sciences
MADance Movement Therapy
Master, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Therapeutic Sciences
Master, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Therapeutic Sciences
MATanz- und Bewegungstherapie
Master, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Therapeutic Sciences
Master, part-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Therapeutic Sciences
Master, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Therapeutic Sciences
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Social Sciences several campus
several campus
MASoziale Arbeit - Psychosoziale Beratung und Gesundheitsförderung
Master, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Social Sciences
MASoziale Arbeit - Psychosoziale Beratung und Gesundheitsförderung
Master, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Social Sciences
MASystemische Beratung und Management
Master, full-time studies with attendance in blocks
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Social Sciences
BASoziale Arbeit (dual)
Bachelor, dual
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Social Sciences
BASoziale Arbeit
Bachelor, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Social Sciences
BASoziale Arbeit (dual)
Bachelor, dual
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Social Sciences
BASoziale Arbeit (Vollzeit)
Bachelor, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Social Sciences
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Health several campus
several campus
MScPhysician Assistant - Clinical Emergency Medicine
Master, hybrid study model
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Health
MScMedizinische Ernährungswissenschaft und Ernährungstherapie
Master, full-time studies with attendance in blocks
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Health
MANew Work: beraten.coachen.supervidieren
Master, full-time
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Health
MAGesundheits- und Sozialmanagement
Master, hybrid study model
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Health
M. Sc.Physician Assistant - Outpatient Care
Master, hybrid study model
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Health
BScPhysician Assistant (mit Berufsausbildung)
Bachelor, hybrid study model
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Health
BScPhysician Assistant (ohne Berufsausbildung)
Bachelor, hybrid study model
School of Health, Education and Social Sciences, Health
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