School of Business and Law
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BAInternational Business Administration (International Experience Track)
Bachelor, full-time
School of Business and Law, International Business
BAInternational Business Administration (Fast Track)
Bachelor, full-time
School of Business and Law, International Business
BAInternational Business Administration (Fast Track)
Bachelor, full-time
School of Business and Law, International Business
BAInternational Business Administration - Focus on Digital Marketing (International Experience Track)
Bachelor, full-time
School of Business and Law, International Business
BAInternational Business Administration - Focus on Digital Marketing (Fast Track)
Bachelor, full-time
School of Business and Law, International Business
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MAInternational Business and Leadership (120 ECTS)
Master, full-time
School of Business and Law, International Business
MAInternational Business & Leadership - Focus on Healthcare Management (120 ECTS)
Master, full-time
School of Business and Law, International Business
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MBAInternational Human Resource Management
MBA, full-time
School of Business and Law, International Business
MBASustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MBA, full-time
School of Business and Law, International Business
MBABusiness Coaching und New Work-Organisationsentwicklung
MBA, berufsbegleitend
School of Business and Law, Business and Law
MBAExecutive MBA für Ärztinnen und Ärzte: Medical Leadership, strategisches Management und Medizinrecht
MBA, berufsbegleitend
School of Business and Law, Business and Law
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DBADoctor of Business Administration
DBA, berufsbegleitend
School of Business and Law, Business and Law
Business and Law several campus
several campus
DBADoctor of Business Administration
DBA, berufsbegleitend
School of Business and Law, Business and Law
MBABusiness Coaching und New Work-Organisationsentwicklung
MBA, berufsbegleitend
School of Business and Law, Business and Law
MBAExecutive MBA für Ärztinnen und Ärzte: Medical Leadership, strategisches Management und Medizinrecht
MBA, berufsbegleitend
School of Business and Law, Business and Law
MAInternationales Management und Entrepreneurship
Master, full-time
School of Business and Law, Business and Law
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International Business several campus
several campus
MBAInternational Human Resource Management
MBA, full-time
School of Business and Law, International Business
MBASustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MBA, full-time
School of Business and Law, International Business
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Supply Chain Management several campus
several campus
MScDigital Supply Chain Management
Master, full-time
School of Business and Law, Supply Chain Management
MScSupply Chain Management - Distance Learning
Master, distance learning
School of Business and Law, Supply Chain Management
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Tourism/ Event several campus
several campus
MAInternational Business and Leadership (120 ECTS)
Master, full-time
School of Business and Law, Tourism/ Event
BAInternationales Tourismus- und Eventmanagement (dual)
Bachelor, dual
School of Business and Law, Tourism/ Event
BAInternationales Tourismus- und Eventmanagement (dual)
Bachelor, dual
School of Business and Law, Tourism/ Event
BAInternationales Tourismus und Eventmanagement
Bachelor, full-time
School of Business and Law, Tourism/ Event
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